Project partner meeting

On the 7th of November the Pre-BASIC Biogas project partner meeting took place.

Participating organisations were: Danish Gas Technology Centre, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Gdansk University of Technology, Koszalin University of Technology, Lithuanian Energy Institute and Renewtec AB.

The BASIC Biogas proposal was discussed on a both general and in some parts detailed level and the WP-leaders were assigned.

The consortium is open for associated partners of strategic importance for the implementation of the project. South Baltic Sea coastal municipalities, agricultural organisations and other stakeholders interested in anaerobic digestion of manure and aquatic substrates in combination with digestate utilization.

Seminar presentations are now online

The Pre-BASIC Biogas Seminar attracted 65 participants from 11 countries.

A snapshot of the audiance, eager to hear more about anaerobic digestion and digestate utilization as means to mitigate eutrophication in the Baltic Sea basin.

12 presentations were given by national and international experts. Focus was on

  • anaerobic digestion of manure and digestate utilization
  • aquatic substrates
  • upgrading of biogas including technology presentations by ETW Energietechnik GmbH, Pentair Haffmans and Hitachi Zosen Inova BioMethan GmbH


Dr. Knud Tybirk, Samsø Municipality gave a presentation on the results and recommendations from the Baltic Manure project and  Danish biogas results from 2016 on manure co-substrates.

Desirée Grahn, Director of Biogas Syd, gave a presentation on the ongoing Biogas 2020 project and results from the recently finished BIOGASSYS project.

Thies Fellenberg
Thies Fellenberg, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) gave an overview of biogas upgrading in Germany.

The seminar chairman, Jörgen Held, concluded that even if manure is used in many commercial installations it’s evident that just a small fraction of the potential is utilized. Anerobic digestion of aquatic substrates has been discussed for several years and it’s good to see that seaweed now is starting to be used in industrial scale plants such as the Solrød biogas plant in Denmark and that we are just in the very beginning of an interesting development. These observations are also good indications that the BASIC Biogas efforts on manure and aquatic substrates in combination with digestate utilization as means to reduce the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea area are spot on.

All the presentations are available online at Just click on the titles to download the presentation in PDF-format.