Visit at Gdansk University of Technology

On the 9th of August the Pre-BASIC Biogas coordinator visited Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) and InnoBaltica Ltd. to discuss the possibility for GUT to join the BASIC Biogas application to the South Baltic Sea Programme.


From left. Aleksandra Korkosz, GUT, Jörgen Held, Renewtec AB, Robert Aranowski, GUT, Katarzyna Dembowska, InnoBaltica, Zaneta Barganska, GUT and Jaroslaw Pawlowski, InnoBaltica.

After the meeting Robert Aranowski gave an appreciated guided tour in the biogas laboratory showing several lab scale digestors and a facility for nutrients recovery.

Meeting with the Joint Secretariat, South Baltic Sea Programme

On the 8th of August the project coordinator had a consultation with Project Officer and Cross-Programme Coordinator Edmunds Snikeris at the Joint Secretariat in Gdansk.

The BASIC Biogas project idea was discussed in detail together with details of the suitable priority axis including programme structure and indicators, costs eligible for funding and the application process.

Pre-BASIC Biogas coordinator Dr. Jörgen Held, Renewtec AB and Mr. Edmunds Snikeris, Joint Secretariat South Baltic Sea Programme.

Study tour to a combined ethanol, biogas and CHP facility

On the 6th of August a study tour to a combined ethanol, biogas and CHP facility in Piaszczyna took place. The facility is highly integrated. Ethanol is made of corn and the residues are digested in two anaerobic digestors. The biogas is used for electricity production and to provide heat for the destillation process as well as for drying and heating the digestors which operate at approx. 40 °C. Process water is to be cleaned in an algae cultivation in order to close the water loop and provide additional substrate to the anaerobic digestors. Finally the digestate is dried and used as a fertilizer. In this way the nutrients and water loop are closed and the facility produces no waste streams at the same time as a high energy efficiency is obtained.


Dr. Jörgen Held, Prof. Michal Jasiulewicz and B.Eng. Jerzy Kolodziej, Technology Manager at the facility, in front of the digestate dryer.

The biogas is used for CHP production in two Jenbacher gas engines.

Meeting at Koszalin University of Technology

On the 4th of August the project coordinator visited the project partner Prof. Michal Jasiulewicz at Koszalin University of Technology.

Prof. Michal Jasiulewicz is the Deputy Dean for Science and Cooperation, Economic Science Faculty, Koszalin University of Technology and the manager of the Centre of Renewable Energy.

Prof. Michal Jasiulewicz in front of the 100 Ha willow plantation which he manages.